
Calls during office hours

01609 643100

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Calls charged at standard rate for landlines and mobiles.

Need help outside of our office hours?

0808 168 9293

Call the national victim supportline, operating 24/7.

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Hate Crime / Incident reporting

You have chosen to report an incident to Supporting Victims.

Supporting Victims is an independent reporting centre for hate incidents and crime only. We do not take reports of other types of crime. To report a crime to the police please contact 999 in an emergency, and 101 in all other instances.

Supporting Victims and our partners take crime particularly seriously when they are motivated by hate:

  • A hate crime is an offence that the victim feels was committed because of some kind of prejudice or hate.
  • A hate incident is any incident, which may or may not be a crime, that the victim or any other person perceives to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards any aspect of a person’s identity.

Your report will be logged by Supporting Victims and we will contact you to offer support if you indicate that this is what you require.

The service operates between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and will contact you at the earliest opportunity within these hours to offer you support.

For this reason you should never use this form to report an incident where you are in immediate danger;

  • The offender is still present
  • You or anyone else is seriously hurt or in danger
  • You think the offender may return

In the above circumstances we would urge you to call 999 and the police will respond immediately.