
Calls during office hours

01609 643100

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Calls charged at standard rate for landlines and mobiles.

Need help outside of our office hours?

0808 168 9293

Call the national victim supportline, operating 24/7.

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What we do

Supporting Victims can provide support for anyone affected by crime, whether reported or not, including victims, bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 18 and members of staff where a business has been a victim of crime.

First of all you will be asked a few questions to find out how you have been affected by the crime to identify any support we can provide and create a personalised plan (if appropriate).

We can provide a range of practical and emotional support but if necessary we can also help you access support provided by other organisations.

Emotional and practical support

  • Over the telephone and/or face to face support by trained and experienced staff
  • Referral with consent to specialist victim services provided through our partners
  • Signpost to other support organisations as appropriate

Everyone deals will the impact of crime differently and has their own way of coping, which varies enormously depending on the support you have around you and your personal circumstances.

Our staff are trained and experienced in being able to help you understand what has happened and support you to cope and recover from the experience of crime. Our staff are trained to listen to you and give you advice and guidance on how to get your life back on track.

Often just talking to someone, especially someone independent from your family and friends, can help enormously.

The impact of a crime often isn’t just emotional it can be practical. We also work with a range of other specialist organisations who we can refer you to or you can contact directly.

What about victims who do not want to report to the police?

All those who are affected by crime, regardless of whether or not they choose to report this to the police, are able to access independent advice and emotional and practical support through the Supporting Victims service.